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Trending Linguistics Dissertation Topics

Published by at December 20th, 2022 , Revised On February 2, 2024

Looking for focused and latest linguistics dissertation topics? If so, you have come to the right place.

Before we get started, let’s look at the possible areas of the linguistics you could explore for your dissertation or thesis research project.

When you study linguistics at the postgraduate or doctoral level, you will immerse yourself in the elixir and have an unforgettable experience as you learn the grammatical principles and history of the language. Your vocabulary will expand, and you will gain much-needed research and writing skills. 

One of the academic assessments you must clear before being awarded the degree is the dissertation or the thesis project, which is based on a relevant and specific topic in any area of the linguistics field, including phonology, structure, semantics, applications and more.

Many different languages are spoken worldwide, each with its regional focus. The contrasts between the different world languages and their structures and functions are among the most popular areas of linguistics over the last several years. On the other hand, the two most intensively studied subfields of linguistics worldwide are applied and sociolinguistics.

The first step to a successful dissertation is choosing a topic. For many students, it isn’t easy to find a relevant and fascinating topic to focus on. We have therefore come up with some great dissertation topics for linguistics to make the task easier for them.

Sociolinguistics Dissertation Topics

  1. To explore how linguistic attitudes to gender-neutral pronouns in the UK are influenced by social ideology, language ideology, familiarity and pronoun type.
  2. What causes language change, and how does it take place?
  3. Language and the generation gap.
  4. A case study examining how ‘manufactured reality’ television shows influence British attitudes toward and understanding of different English dialects.
  5. The phonological diversity of the York vowel system as it is perceived.
  6. What influence do racial discrimination, media, and popular culture have on how people use language?
  7. Why do some listeners believe that one language is better than another?
  8. Does language depend on socioeconomic class?
  9. The influence of identity, power and media on language.
  10. Demonstrate why it is impossible to understand linguistics when written words are directly translated.
  11. Discuss how language can be used to exclude a community.
  12. Examine the development of Arabic culture and its history.
  13. Talk about how French developed and how other languages influenced it.
  14. Investigate the history of the English language and how it has influenced other languages.
  15. Explain the use of linguistic and cultural diversity in the classroom.
  16. Refute the idea that a language disability leads to impaired speaking and listening.
  17. Compare perceptions of speakers’ ethnicity in a region using laughter as a non-verbal form of communication.
  18. The transition between Southern Min and Mandarin Taiwan’s political discourse uses dialect.
  19. Early modern English verb forms in the third person singular vary.
  20. An investigation of Somerset’s non-standard periphrastic ‘do’.
  21. Compare how men and women use language.
  22. Examine the many linguistic perspectives. Examine the methods a teenager uses to communicate their wishes to their parents.
  23. Consider global bilingual education and language preservation.
  24. Investigate regional dialect differences between speakers of British English.
  25. Investigate the relationship between first language proficiency and academic success.
  26. Identify the micro-temporal sources of grouping in sociolinguistic sequences.
  27. How do immigrant dialects and languages persist in Australia?
  28. Phonological differences between men and women in the ‘University Caving Club’ community of practice.
  29. Analyse how linguistic diversity affects language fidelity.
  30. Discuss the results of merging two languages into a third.

Applied Linguistic Dissertation Topics

  1. The concept of beauty and the verbal expression of it.
  2. A comprehensive analysis of hate speech.
  3. What are the main factors influencing the spread of hate speech?
  4. An analysis of research on eye-tracking technology and its impact on the growth of applied linguistics.
  5. A comprehensive analysis of the research techniques used in applied linguistics.
  6. How significant is the growth of applied linguistics?
  7. Discuss how today’s generation is influenced by social media language.
  8. A study of the importance of precise language use in social media.
  9. Is applied linguistics still relevant in today’s digital age?
  10. How is media language changing due to political oppression?
  11. What is the function of applied linguistics in the world of work?
  12. Analysis of the main contrasts between spoken and written language from a linguistic perspective.
  13. Is multilingualism a good option after bilingualism?
  14. How does a language in a heterogeneous culture affect the formation of national identity?
  15. How well does healthcare work with language barriers?
  16. What role does language play in social media?
  17. How can multilingualism improve one’s personality?
  18. Discuss how your expectations and understanding of language development as you learn.
  19. Discuss learning methods when it comes to learning a foreign language.
  20. What are the differences between syntax and morphology?
  21. What influence does the frequency of phrases have on lexical monolingual and bilingual processing?
  22. What role does language ethics play in arousing collective feelings?
  23. Examine women’s struggles in a feminist text of your choice.
  24. Analysethe development of feminist writing during the Industrial Revolution.
  25. Briefly review five works of gothic literature and indicate what you have learned from them.
  26. Consider the history of rock music and how it became a genre.
  27. Analysethe musical style of Nina Simone and her cultural influence.
  28. What is Shakespeare’s place in English-language literature?
  29. How has literature helped to spread the use of the English language?
  30. Identify how spelling errors affect students’ academic performance at a particular institution.

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You will also find some amazing topics based on other subjects.

English Language Dissertation Topics

  1. Examine how feminist literature has supported the struggle against patriarchy. Identify the main themes of “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare.
  2. Discuss the influence of Ernest Hemingway’s language on modern literature.
  3. Investigate the primary literary devices used by William Shakespeare.
  4. Identify the main techniques used in the works of Christopher Marlowe.
  5. Is there a language barrier on social networking websites?
  6. An exploration of linguistics about written and spoken language.
  7. An exploration of the use of applied linguistics in the digital age.
  8. How can multilingualism enhance interpersonal communication in the age of globalisation?
  9. Exploring how linguistics contributes to the creation of a diversified society.
  10. Identifying language acquisition in the different stages of development.
  11. Aanlysehow Indian Americans use code-switching and code-mixing.
  12. Examine how George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” influenced satirical writing.
  13. Consider the linguistic elements in Richard Wright’s “Native Son”.
  14. What role does Native literature play in fostering a sense of cultural identity?
  15. How has literature influenced the way people think?
  16. Investigate five works of semantic literature and their influence on research.
  17. Study the role grammar plays in everyday conversation.
  18. Consider how multidisciplinary techniques can be used to understand the English language.
  19. What does the term ‘stylistics’ mean when evaluating medieval writings?
  20. Analysehow Mexican Americans are affected by code-switching and code-mixing.
  21. What influence does language have on people’s behaviour at work?
  22. How can you tell if someone is telling the truth or lying by the way they speak?
  23. What impact does specific language have on advertising?
  24. What is the relationship between secondary and primary languages?
  25. What influence does print communication media have on consumers’ willingness to buy?

Phonology and Psycholinguistic Dissertation Topics

  1. An evaluation of standard and improvised language measures in late talkers.
  2. The contribution of pre-linguistic phonetic knowledge to lexical and phonological development.
  3. Investigating the influence of systemisationon phonological development from a dynamic systems perspective.
  4. British versus American infant speech Cultural differences and developmental effects
  5. Is there a significant relationship between early phonological and lexical development and phonological memory in the language development of late talkers?
  6. Phonological priming and word frequency about the dual-route model of written production.
  7. Chinese L2 learners’ awareness of the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses in English.
  8. Polish-speaking learners of English: how their awareness of the word ‘any’ changes with increasing ability.
  9. Who should I judge? – The syntactic processing deficits of dyslexia and their impact on linguistic ability.
  10. Learning derivational alternation in bilingual children in German and English and in English-only speakers.

Culture-Based Linguistic Dissertation Topics

  1. Explain how sociolinguistics can help people understand their bilingual language preferences.
  2. The meaning of words and how they influence human behaviour and action.
  3. An exploration of differences and similarities in English in the post-Tudor era.
  4. How can different languages reinforce gender inequality?
  5. Understanding sociolinguistics from the perspective of race and colour.
  6. An in-depth study of vowel accent in the UK.
  7. How does the media use sociolinguistics to gain a competitive advantage and propagate chauvinism?
  8. An assessment of the importance and impact of non-verbal indicators such as body language.
  9. To what extent has sociolinguistics enriched other fields?
  10. The impact of language on how men and women perceive politeness.
  11. An investigation into the relationship between thought and language.
  12. The importance of language in fostering intercultural relationships.
  13. Language research in informal and formal contexts.
  14. Does a person’s age affect their English accent?
  15. An investigation of English-French stress terms using phonetic analysis.
  1. Reflect on how social media have influenced the development of colloquial language.
  2. Explore how the study of universals and structural linguistics interact.
  3. Investigate the use of swear words to oppress children.
  4. A comprehensive examination of the role that the vitality of language and the transmission of linguistics have played in the development of linguistics.
  5. Try to explain how a language barrier might affect a person’s social life in a new society.
  6. Explain how language can strengthen cultural identities.
  7. Comparative analysis of educational linguistics in developed and developing countries.
  8. Examine the different methods that can be used to teach a foreign language.
  9. Discuss the importance of teachers when teaching grammar to non-native speakers.
  10. Examine the differences between the various forms of communication and their significance for people with disabilities.
  11. A study of the metric and spontaneous linguistic measures of late talkers.
  12. Analysethe differences between adults’ and teenagers’ abilities to understand language.
  13. Analysethe impact of cultural diversity on the language of a Native American group.
  14. In the future, “Role and Reference Grammar”: will analysethe difficulties of code-switching and code-mixing distinctions between Russian and English.
  15. Provide an adolescent with an essential overview of the meaning of the language.
  16. What do you think are the methods of communication, and what makes them unique?
  17. A descriptive study of the effects of transparency and accountability in applied linguistics.
  18. Chinese L2 learners’ awareness of the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses in English.
  19. The impact of literary circles on the literacy skills of students learning Chinese as a second language.
  20. Explain how the acquisition of multiple languages fosters cross-cultural growth.
  21. Investigate the impact of the loss of the mother tongue on the linguistic performance of a group of people.
  22. Study the development of language through works of medieval literature.
  23. Explain how conflicts have led to a decline in the use of a language of your choice in any country worldwide.
  24. Explore five literary works to understand how the environment influences the change in accents.
  25. Compare the difference between speaking and listening abilities and the importance of each for language comprehension.

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How do these Linguistics Dissertation Topics Help you?

You can quickly select one of the linguistics titles suggested above and start your research without any further delay. These topics can be customised according to the needs of the country or university you are studying at.


Always remember that you need to consider all the guidelines for your dissertation as well as the expectations of your supervisor. You should develop one or two replacement topics if you start your research and find insufficient data to support the original claim. You do not need to commit to a particular concept at the beginning of the process.

You can share your thoughts with your supervisor, who can help you choose the most promising option. Your supervisor will likely be much more committed to supporting you during the dissertation writing process if they are enthusiastic about your dissertation topic.

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    There are approximately 7,000 languages spoken worldwide.

    About Alvin Nicolas

    Avatar for Alvin NicolasNicolas has a master's degree in literature and a PhD degree in statistics. He is a content manager at Essays.uk. He loves to write, cook and run. Nicolas is passionate about helping students at all levels.

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