Sports Data Analysis Sample

Published by at August 7th, 2024 , Revised On August 7, 2024

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The two data sets, 1) strength data and 2) pain data was analysed in using independent sample t-test using SPSS.

Comparison of average torque values 

Using the strength data comparison of average torque values (flexion/ extension) in injured limb between BFR and HL-RT groups and in uninjured limb between BFR and HL-RT groups at pre and 4 week timelines at each testing speed (60, 150, 300) were compared using the t-test and their respective results are given in the appendix section. The Levene’s test for equality of variances was used to determine the statistically significant difference between the variances of the two compared groups. The results show that there was significant difference between the injured limb knee flexion after 4 weeks between BFR and HL-RT at Torque 60/s and 150/s as their sig. (2-tailed) value of the t-test for equality of Means were 0.022 and .001, which were less than 0.05.

The bar chart results given below in figures 1 and 2 also indicate a significant difference between the injured limb knee flexion after 4 weeks between BFR and HL-RT at Torque 60/s and 150/s.

Figure 1 Mean injured limb-knee flexion torque (4 weeks) at Torque 60/s

Mean injured limb-knee flexion torque


Figure 2 Mean injured limb-knee flexion torque (4 weeks) at Torque 150/s


Besides, the results show that there was significant difference found in uninjured limb after 4 weeks between BFR and HL-RT at Torque 60/s and 150/s as their sig. values were less than 0.05. The bar chart results given below in figures 3 and 4 also indicate a significant difference between the uninjured limb after 4 weeks between BFR and HL-RT at Torque 60/s and 150/s.

Figure 3 Mean unaffected limb-knee flexion torque (4 weeks) at Torque 60/s

Mean unaffected limb-knee flexion torque

Figure 4 Mean unaffected limb-knee flexion torque (4 weeks) at Torque 150/s

Mean injured limb-knee flexion torque

It was evident that the average torque values (flexion/ extension) of injured and uninjured limbs after 4 weeks was higher in HL-RT group than BFR.

Comparison of pain levels 

The comparison of the muscle pain affected and unaffected shows that there was a significant difference between the muscle pain between affected and unaffected group as the sig. values of the t-test for equality of means was less than 0.05. Similarly, the comparison of the ankle pain affected and after 24 hour shows an insignificant difference between the ankle pain levels across the 7 sessions as its sig. value was greater than 0.05. Also the comparison of the muscle pain affected and after 24 hour shows an insignificant difference between the muscle pain levels across the 7 sessions as its sig. value of the t-test for equality of means was greater than 0.05.

Appendix (Results)

T-Test (Comparison of injured limb between BFR and HL-RT – Torque 60/s)

Group Statistics
Groups (BFR & HL-RT) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) BFR 4 95.7875 47.03110 23.51555
HL-RT 2 178.7500 39.66869 28.05000
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) BFR 4 120.2500 44.57626 22.28813
HL-RT 2 211.0000 42.85067 30.30000
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) BFR 4 56.4500 23.22994 11.61497
HL-RT 2 84.5500 6.01041 4.25000
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) BFR 4 59.3000 20.14944 10.07472
HL-RT 2 100.4000 7.07107 5.00000
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed .610 .478 -2.115 4 .102 -82.96250 39.23338 -191.89183 25.96683
Equal variances not assumed -2.267 2.490 .126 -82.96250 36.60305 -214.19508 48.27008
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed .200 .678 -2.373 4 .077 -90.75000 38.23605 -196.91030 15.41030
Equal variances not assumed -2.413 2.164 .128 -90.75000 37.61450 -241.40229 59.90229
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 21.851 .009 -1.595 4 .186 -28.10000 17.61577 -77.00922 20.80922
Equal variances not assumed -2.272 3.660 .092 -28.10000 12.36810 -63.73364 7.53364
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 1.584 .277 -2.666 4 .056 -41.10000 15.41914 -83.91041 1.71041
Equal variances not assumed -3.654 3.942 .022 -41.10000 11.24722 -72.50827 -9.69173

T-Test (Comparison of injured limb between BFR and HL-RT – Torque 150/s)

Group Statistics
Groups (BFR & HL-RT) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) BFR 4 59.7250 32.34114 16.17057
HL-RT 2 131.0500 38.11306 26.95000
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) BFR 4 80.1250 33.81286 16.90643
HL-RT 2 139.5000 23.19310 16.40000
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) BFR 4 37.4750 25.15278 12.57639
HL-RT 2 70.8000 11.87939 8.40000
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) BFR 4 45.5000 7.27599 3.63799
HL-RT 2 89.0500 1.06066 .75000
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed .109 .758 -2.431 4 .072 -71.32500 29.33786 -152.77995 10.12995
Equal variances not assumed -2.269 1.773 .167 -71.32500 31.42912 -224.57261 81.92261
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed .462 .534 -2.177 4 .095 -59.37500 27.27584 -135.10487 16.35487
Equal variances not assumed -2.521 3.091 .084 -59.37500 23.55392 -133.09939 14.34939
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 1.620 .272 -1.704 4 .164 -33.32500 19.55333 -87.61374 20.96374
Equal variances not assumed -2.203 3.928 .094 -33.32500 15.12368 -75.61896 8.96896
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 3.758 .125 -7.952 4 .001 -43.55000 5.47628 -58.75460 -28.34540
Equal variances not assumed -11.724 3.243 .001 -43.55000 3.71450 -54.88582 -32.21418

T-Test (Comparison of injured limb between BFR and HL-RT – Torque 300/s)

Group Statistics
Groups (BFR & HL-RT) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) BFR 4 68.8250 29.70807 14.85403
HL-RT 2 100.1000 20.08183 14.20000
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) BFR 4 72.0750 27.48786 13.74393
HL-RT 2 96.9000 16.54630 11.70000
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) BFR 4 47.5000 19.88752 9.94376
HL-RT 2 61.7000 7.63675 5.40000
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) BFR 4 53.5750 13.89637 6.94819
HL-RT 2 72.3500 4.31335 3.05000
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed .914 .393 -1.308 4 .261 -31.27500 23.91778 -97.68140 35.13140
Equal variances not assumed -1.522 3.135 .222 -31.27500 20.54951 -95.11119 32.56119
Injured limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 17.240 .014 -1.137 4 .319 -24.82500 21.82542 -85.42208 35.77208
Equal variances not assumed -1.375 3.465 .251 -24.82500 18.04953 -78.14413 28.49413
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 43.200 .003 -.929 4 .405 -14.20000 15.27780 -56.61798 28.21798
Equal variances not assumed -1.255 3.989 .278 -14.20000 11.31540 -45.64935 17.24935
Injured limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 1.267 .323 -1.773 4 .151 -18.77500 10.58831 -48.17287 10.62287
Equal variances not assumed -2.474 3.840 .071 -18.77500 7.58813 -40.19423 2.64423

T-Test (Comparison of uninjured limb between BFR and HL-RT – Torque 60/s)

Group Statistics
Groups (BFR & HL-RT) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) BFR 3 148.4333 40.91960 23.62494
HL-RT 2 271.8500 26.51650 18.75000
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) BFR 3 156.1333 64.85263 37.44268
HL-RT 2 272.3500 36.41600 25.75000
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) BFR 3 71.9000 23.85142 13.77062
HL-RT 2 132.6500 2.05061 1.45000
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) BFR 3 59.7000 3.75100 2.16564
HL-RT 2 127.4500 28.21356 19.95000
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 1.453 .314 -3.679 3 .035 -123.41667 33.54910 -230.18488 -16.64846
Equal variances not assumed -4.092 2.962 .027 -123.41667 30.16124 -220.09656 -26.73677
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 2.181 .236 -2.235 3 .112 -116.21667 52.00922 -281.73321 49.29988
Equal variances not assumed -2.557 2.998 .083 -116.21667 45.44246 -260.89002 28.45669
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 7.011 .077 -3.411 3 .042 -60.75000 17.81062 -117.43133 -4.06867
Equal variances not assumed -4.387 2.044 .046 -60.75000 13.84675 -119.11301 -2.38699
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 122.884 .002 -4.478 3 .021 -67.75000 15.13041 -115.90170 -19.59830
Equal variances not assumed -3.376 1.024 .179 -67.75000 20.06720 -309.22772 173.72772

T-Test (Comparison of uninjured limb between BFR and HL-RT – Torque 150/s)

Group Statistics
Groups (BFR & HL-RT) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) BFR 3 106.1667 26.98747 15.58122
HL-RT 2 181.7000 9.19239 6.50000
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) BFR 3 119.8000 51.50689 29.73752
HL-RT 2 188.2500 25.52655 18.05000
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) BFR 3 59.5667 24.87757 14.36307
HL-RT 2 101.1000 9.89949 7.00000
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) BFR 3 59.3000 15.90566 9.18314
HL-RT 2 109.5000 12.30366 8.70000
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 1.570 .299 -3.651 3 .035 -75.53333 20.69049 -141.37970 -9.68697
Equal variances not assumed -4.474 2.599 .028 -75.53333 16.88267 -134.26588 -16.80079
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 1.865 .265 -1.683 3 .191 -68.45000 40.68007 -197.91214 61.01214
Equal variances not assumed -1.968 2.946 .145 -68.45000 34.78682 -180.32431 43.42431
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed 3.039 .180 -2.156 3 .120 -41.53333 19.26271 -102.83586 19.76919
Equal variances not assumed -2.599 2.752 .088 -41.53333 15.97804 -95.07140 12.00473
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed .742 .452 -3.715 3 .034 -50.20000 13.51296 -93.20426 -7.19574
Equal variances not assumed -3.968 2.758 .033 -50.20000 12.64990 -92.53265 -7.86735

T-Test (Comparison of uninjured limb between BFR and HL-RT – Torque 300/s)

Group Statistics
Groups (BFR & HL-RT) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) BFR 3 79.2000 24.11866 13.92492
HL-RT 2 137.5500 34.86036 24.65000
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) BFR 3 81.8333 35.30784 20.38499
HL-RT 2 124.5500 6.85894 4.85000
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) BFR 3 50.2333 14.00940 8.08833
HL-RT 2 69.9000 10.46518 7.40000
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) BFR 3 59.0000 21.76396 12.56543
HL-RT 2 79.3500 12.37437 8.75000
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed .698 .465 -2.270 3 .108 -58.35000 25.70487 -140.15436 23.45436
Equal variances not assumed -2.061 1.656 .201 -58.35000 28.31123 -207.96228 91.26228
Unaffected limb – Knee extension torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 3.071 .178 -1.608 3 .206 -42.71667 26.56403 -127.25527 41.82193
Equal variances not assumed -2.039 2.219 .166 -42.71667 20.95400 -124.87411 39.44077
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (Pre) Equal variances assumed .720 .458 -1.665 3 .194 -19.66667 11.80921 -57.24884 17.91551
Equal variances not assumed -1.794 2.811 .177 -19.66667 10.96271 -55.92202 16.58869
Unaffected limb – Knee flexion torque (4 weeks) Equal variances assumed 1.249 .345 -1.164 3 .329 -20.35000 17.48384 -75.99139 35.29139
Equal variances not assumed -1.329 2.999 .276 -20.35000 15.31184 -69.08481 28.38481

T-Test (Comparison of muscle pain levels – affected and unaffected)

Group Statistics
Muscle Pain Group (affected and unaffected) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Muscle pain Affected and unaffected Muscle pain affected 14 4.7000 .41324 .11044
Muscle pain unaffected 14 5.4571 .85099 .22744
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Muscle pain Affected and unaffected Equal variances assumed 7.420 .011 -2.995 26 .006 -.75714 .25283 -1.27685 -.23744
Equal variances not assumed -2.995 18.808 .008 -.75714 .25283 -1.28669 -.22759

T-Test (Comparison of Ankle Pain Affected and 24Hr hour)

Group Statistics
Ankle Pain Group N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Ankle Pain Affected and 24Hr hour levels Ankle pain 14 2.0786 .59119 .15800
Ankle pain (24hr) 14 1.7786 .58465 .15625
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Ankle Pain Affected and 24Hr hour levels Equal variances assumed .063 .804 1.350 26 .189 .30000 .22222 -.15677 .75677
Equal variances not assumed 1.350 25.997 .189 .30000 .22222 -.15677 .75677

T-Test (Comparison of Muscle Pain Affected and 24Hr hour)

Group Statistics
Muscle Pain Group (Muscle pain affected and 24 hr levels) N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Muscle Pain Affected and 24Hr hour levels Muscle pain affected 14 1.7786 .58465 .15625
Muscle Pain (24hr) 14 1.4114 .75201 .20098
Independent Samples Test
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper
Muscle Pain Affected and 24Hr hour levels Equal variances assumed .683 .416 1.442 26 .161 .36714 .25458 -.15615 .89043
Equal variances not assumed 1.442 24.510 .162 .36714 .25458 -.15770 .89199

Frequently Asked Questions

The analysis compared the average torque values (flexion/extension) in injured and uninjured limbs between BFR and HL-RT groups at pre and 4-week timelines at various testing speeds (60, 150, 300 degrees per second).

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