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Sample Masters HRM Dissertation Topics

Published by at December 12th, 2022 , Revised On February 2, 2024

Here is an oil and gas management custom dissertation samples topics to see how our dissertation topics can help you choose a suitable topic to make sure you explore an area of interest. Place your order today to achieve academic greatness.

Topic one

Diversity Management – the role of HRM strategies in shaping the creative economy incorporating globalization through HR policies and e-leadership

Aims and objectives

This topic aims to comprehend the concepts and principles of workforce diversity and its management within organizations globally. The primary objective of this dissertation is to emphasize the use of e-leadership and HR and HRM policies among organizations worldwide to understand how they work within the diversified working environment to bring out the creative economy. It also proposes practical suggestions for workforce diversity management among different organizations that incorporate a workforce from diverse backgrounds.

Topic two

Assessment of the impact of perceived internal marketing on employee engagement and organizational behaviors.

Aims and objectives

This study will examine the influence of internal marketing strategies on the overall workforce of the organizations. The primary objective of this dissertation is to study the impact of perceived internal marketing on job performance, employee engagement, and organizational commitment. Various organizational behavior dimensions will be targeted, carrying the experimental research approach in action, which will declare the real impact of internal marketing strategies on the engagement of employees and organizational behaviors.

Topic three

The influence of positive Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) practices on employees’ cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and engagement abilities.

Aims and objectives

This dissertation aims to discover the positive sides of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), whose core objective is to engage and motivate employees. This study will help to identify various organizational practices that can be used within the corporate environment to foster cognitive, emotional, and behavioral qualities among the workforce. The central objective of this dissertation is to critically assess these organizational practices, whether they positively impact employees’ performance and job satisfaction and enhance their engagement and motivation.

Topic Four

Impact of COVID-19 on employee engagement and assessing the economic crisis for HR managers during this pandemic.

Aims and objectives

The entire business world faces challenges after the outbreak of COVID-19 that. All of them are striving to survive, making their HRM practices effective. The research aim of this dissertation is to assess how COVID-19 has an impact on employee performance, commitment, and engagement to work. Another objective of this study is to comprehend the implications of COVID-19 on HR managers worldwide in an economic crisis. The study discusses how the financial crisis will disturb the payroll and how the HRM manager would deal with it.

Topic Five

Analyzing the significance and influence of training and development on an organization’s sustainability and employees’ mental health during the economic crisis due to COVID-19.

Aims and objectives

This dissertation aims to accomplish organizational objectives and milestones, where business owners and leaders understand the significance of carrying on training and developmental programs for their workforce to align with an organization’s objectives. The highlighted aim of this study is to critically analyze the impression of employee training and development on their mental health and the sustainability of an organization itself, particularly during the covid-19 when most businesses are going through an economic crisis.

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