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Sample Masters Project Management Dissertation Topics

Published by at December 12th, 2022 , Revised On February 2, 2024

Here is an oil and gas management custom dissertation samples topics to see how our dissertation topics can help you choose a suitable topic to make sure you explore an area of interest. Place your order today to achieve academic greatness.

Topic 1: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Project Management

Aims and objectives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world of business. The current study’s main aim is to investigate AI’s impacts on Project Management. This research will also explore the advantages and disadvantages of AI and its future impact.


This research will cover the following objectives:

  • To understand the impact of AI on projects.
  • To investigate different industries and the implementation of artificial intelligence.
  • To explore how AI is shaping the world of Project Management.
  • To discover the future impact of AI on Project Management.
  • Topic 2: Project Risk management implementation and the success of construction projects

Aims and objectives

The study aims to discover the major factors of project risk management implementation in developing project success in construction. This study will also determine the association between project risk management and the success of construction projects.


This study will cover the following objectives

  • Explore the risk, risk management, and project risk management success factors.
  • Investigate the construction project success criteria
  • Investigate the relationship between the implementation of project risk management and the success of construction projects.

Topic 3: Risk Management in Construction – A Comparative Study of various Procurement methods in the UK

Aims and objectives

This study explores and understands risk management in different procurement options in the United Kingdom. This study will also help gain a better understanding of the effective risk management process.


This research will cover the following objectives

  • To analyze how risks are managed in different procurement options.
  • To investigate the impact of procurement methods on risk management.
  • To explore the factors that contribute to effective risk management in construction.
  • Topic 4: Quality Management- A Comparative study between large and small organizations

Aims and objectives

The current study investigates how quality management affects large and small organizations and how it helps small businesses compete with large companies.


This study will cover the following objectives

  • To investigate the impact of quality management on large and small businesses
  • To explore how different businesses understand the consumer’s needs and provide quality services
  • To investigate the performance of companies in providing a better environment for their workers

Topic 5: Project management in the Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

Aims and objectives

The covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of business. Every day more and more countries are facing a substantial loss in business. This study aims to investigate how firms worldwide have been active in reducing the impact of covid-19 on customers and at the same time providing efficient services for their consumers.


This research will cover the following objectives

  • Investigate the impact of COVID-19 on project management.
  • Investigate the role of project managers during the pandemic.
  • Explore different strategies made by organizations to reduce the impact of COVID-19.

Frequently Asked Questions

Artificial Intelligence revolutionises project management by automating tasks, enhancing data analysis, and optimising resource allocation. It increases efficiency and enables proactive planning, leading to better project outcomes.

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