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Sample Dissertation on Innovative Construction

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Utilising innovative construction techniques and methodology driven by the modern methods of construction in establishing affordable homes for tackling the housing crisis in the UK


I convey my sincere thanks and gratitude to my supervisors and instructors for helping me successfully accomplish this dissertation.  I also convey my thanks to my parents and friends who have remained supportive during the entire process. The successful completion of this project would not have been possible without the help of everyone. 


This study aims to have a comprehensive view of the current housing crisis shortage of labour and low productivity and how new affordable homes could be built by utilising innovative construction methodology in the UK. Availability of affordable housing services has always been a central agenda for most nations across the globe and particularly in the UK. The developers majorly rely on traditional strategies and techniques. Even though some companies are utilising modern methods the implementation process is partial and insufficient.

The research has integrated interviews and surveys considering the project managers and employees of Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London respectively. However, thematic analysis for interviews and inferential analysis for surveys have been further chosen as analysis methods. 

The thematic analysis has established the importance of modular construction and 3D printing as important technological tools and techniques for enhancing the productivity and efficiency of construction. Findings from the study state that the implementation of modern innovative techniques and advanced technologies has been efficient enough in resolving the housing crisis issue in the UK.

Moreover, it has helped in the construction projects of affordable houses thereby helping the employees actively participate in the projects based on the training and development sessions provided to them. The study highlighted that as the techniques have been aligned with the objectives and vision, therefore, the efficiency level of the companies in dealing with the issues has been high showcasing the increased opportunities for positive contribution to mitigating the housing crisis within the UK. 

The correlation and regression tests have also reflected the high statistical significance of the variables thereby showcasing the linear relationship. The study has concluded the requirement of technology innovation and green building methods to be suitable for gaining a competitive advantage in the construction sector and providing a solution to the house and crisis in the UK through affordable housing.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Research Background

Availability of affordable housing services has always been a central agenda for most nations across the globe and particularly in the UK. Governments are making different programs and initiatives to achieve the target of affordable housing for the population, yet a large percentage of people and younger generations are unable to live decently in the provided service. It has created a huge loophole in terms of housing shortage and insufficient use of innovative techniques in construction projects. Poor knowledge of the construction businesses, natural disasters, and demolition of old houses and buildings are collaboratively resulting in increasing the demand-supply gap for affordable housing and construction in the UK (RICS, 2018). Especially due to Brexit and pandemics the existing gap had escalated. The migration regulations and rules implemented due to Brexit have also sourced the availability of unskilled labour as previously Sourcing was mainly done from European countries (Armstrong, 2016). It is still expected that the impact will be exaggerated due to the ongoing pandemic and achieving the target of affordable housing will become more difficult. Therefore, the construction businesses in the UK need to adapt technology enhanced advanced and enabled construction approaches in order to ensure efficiency, manageability, sustainability, and profitability within the sector.

1.2 Problem statement

The UK is experiencing a different crisis associated with scarcity of housing facilities which is caused due to low productivity in the construction industry and high inflation. In addition to that labour shortage and skilled workforce are also significant causes of the crisis in the housing and construction industry of the UK (RICS, 2018). Lack of research and development is yet another significant reason for the scarcity of housing as the companies and businesses are not investing and researching the innovative aspects for utilising the modern construction method so that it can contribute to addressing the issues. Compared to other sectors that have completely changed the ways of a business operation due to research development and innovation, the construction in the stream and the housing facilities are still driven by the traditional approach in the UK. The developers majorly rely on traditional strategies and techniques. Even though some companies are utilising modern methods the implementation process is partial and insufficient. Therefore, the use of innovative construction methods in construction projects within the UK in order to provide affordable homes has become a significant aspect.

1.3 Aims and objectives

Research aim

This study aims to have a comprehensive view of the current housing crisis shortage of labour and low productivity and how new affordable homes could be built by utilising innovative construction methodology in the UK.

Research objectives

  • To evaluate and understand the innovative aspects of the modern methods of construction and by assessing their impact assess the impact on affordable housing in the UK
  • To identify the extent to which the innovation in the construction method enhances productivity and how it affects the housing and construction sector of the UK
  • To address issues and importance of the modern method of construction to cope with the labour shortage in the UK
  • To provide recommendations to the developers and contractors in the UK for utilising modern methods of construction and mitigate the issues

Research Questions

  • What are the different innovative aspects of utilising modern methods of construction and what is the impact of the innovations on affordable housing in the UK? 
  • To what extent innovation in the construction method enhances productivity and the construction sector? 
  • How could the construction industry of the UK make remarkable changes in building approach by implementing further innovations given by modern methods of construction? 

1.4 Research Rationale

It is being expected by the construction developer that the target of 300000 new homes every year cannot be materialised due to the crisis of free trading between the UK and European countries (Savage, 2021). Therefore, the demand for affordable housing can exceed the supply which will result in an increased number of the population in the UK living in poor housing conditions and homelessness. It will also result in making the cost of housing in the UK increase exponentially and significantly affect the general budget of households (Armstrong, 2016). The large population might end up struggling with daily basic needs such as childcare expenditure, food, and transportation among others. In the long run, it will also reduce the scope of having a good quality of life. It is therefore important for the businesses in the UK and for the government also to promote strategies to move away from the traditional technique in the construction business and implement a more blended approach for building affordable houses (Go Construct, 2022). Therefore it can be stated that it is a significant aspect to investigate the ways in which the housing crisis in the UK currently is associated with low productivity and labour shortage. Therefore this study has the purpose to identify the ways in which research development and the use of innovative construction methods can foster affordable housing agenda in the UK.

1.5 Structure of the dissertation 

The literature review chapter will investigate the views and opinions of the authors and writers and will also compare and contrast case studies for evaluating the extent to which the existing strategies and initiatives in the construction businesses of the UK meet the housing demands. In addition to that, the issues of labour shortage and productivity will also be highlighted.

The literature review chapter will be followed by a methodology that identifies the strategies by which the researcher has collected the data and information in this study. Both survey and interview, which is a mixed method for collecting the data and information, have been used by the researcher. In the following chapters’ findings and data analysis has been carried out where the opinion and views of the interview participants and survey participants have been compared and contrasted with the secondary data that is collected by the researcher from different secondary sources.

Lastly, in order to achieve the research aim and objective, the researcher has concluded with the overall finding in the study and has generated a coherent understanding of the ways in which modern methods and techniques can be used by the construction businesses in the UK to enhance the existing construction strategies and improve the housing condition in the UK.

Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1 Introduction

The study focuses on interpreting peer-reviewed literary sources such as journal articles, books, magazines, and so on for obtaining authentic and reliable data considering the stakeholder management scenario of the UK-based construction companies. It emphasises the innovative aspects of modern methods of construction and their impacts on affordable UK-based housing. It also focuses on depicting the innovation in the construction sector impacting the enhancement of productivity in UK-based housing. The study focuses on establishing an understanding of the issues and significance of modern methods of construction to cope with the shortage of labour in the United Kingdom. It focuses on suggesting recommendations for developers and contractors in the UK. 

2.2 Housing crisis in the UK

The Government of the UK for several years has failed to deliver the promise of achieving adequate affordable housing security for its citizens. For example, the objective of 300000 houses every year has failed, throwing the citizens of the country to face the housing challenges that also affect not only the young generation but individuals belonging to every age group (Savage, 2021). The government already has interventions to deal with the housing crisis yet the increasing cost of housing is exceeding the average and annual salary of the citizens in the country making it more difficult to have affordable houses for the citizens.

Reportedly 8 times more payments are needed to be given by the full-time workers in the UK in order to afford a home. As per another report, 3.6 million citizens in the UK live in overcrowded houses (Power, 2019). The pandemic and Brexit are later reasons for the global financial crisis in 2007 have been the main reason to speed up the housing crisis in the UK (Ferrari, 2015). For example, the below image shows the plan and ways in which technology and modern methods of construction have been used to build the first Eco town in the UK. This construction plan can be used in the future as well in order to re-shape the housing system in London and across the UK by the construction businesses.

First eco-town of the UK

Figure 1: First eco-town of the UK

(Source: RICS, 2018)

It has not only led to re-shaped the political, social, and economic forces over time but the housing system has also been significantly changed due to the changes or cuts in public expenditure. Therefore, increased housing expenses have also increased the impact on the low-income population in the country (Modulek, 2022).

Reportedly the housing crisis in a country occurs when a major cap of a population is unable to access affordable safe and decent housing. An increase in the credit and a decrease in the supply of affordable houses along with a growing population and demolition of social housing are also reasons for the expensive housing problem in the UK along with the global financial crisis (Power, 2019).

The government however is trying to provide the population for dealing with the issue of the housing crisis with enhanced production and investments to purchase housing. The employer as a result of this can have a huge skill set of a population. However, the strategies and initiatives are not adequate to bring equilibrium in the forces of supply and demand for affordable houses (Gibb, 2019).

2.3 Innovative aspects of the modern methods of construction and their impact on affordable housing in the UK

3D Printing

In order to achieve the affordable housing targets, there are different views and opinions of authors and writers that appraise the innovation that is currently being considered. These innovations mainly focus on enhancing productivity and activities in the construction industry.

One such significant innovation is 3D printing and offsite construction (Hashemi and Hadjri, 2014). 3D printing is considered a cost-effective strategy compared to traditional methods. Reportedly implementation of 3D printing replaces external and internal foundations of the walls of the houses thereby reducing the cost of house angle by 30% (Schudtet al., 2021).

3D printing for metal frames is also being developed that is expected to positively incorporate the impact on the housing sector (Tobi et al., 2018). The twin wall technology is also a widely utilised method in the construction industry which combines in situ concrete and pre-made concrete helping the designer and builder in terms of strength and speed of the structure. This technology occurs and is used when two walls that are premade are reinforced and joined before filling up the gap with the concrete. It is also used to join concrete floors and walls together and it is extremely economical and quick to implement (Brissiet al., 2021).

3D printing

Figure 2: 3D printing (Twin Wall system)

(Source: Bisht, 2020)

Precast Flat Panel System

It will ensure sustainable durable and improved housing construction saving costs on labour and material (Bisht, 2020). The example of using 3D printing can be considered from the business operation of the Stewart Milne group which uses full-time research and development responsible for the use of 3D printing and design in different construction projects in the UK (Hossain et al., 2020). The projects currently by the company include 3000 home communities in Aberdeen.

Precast Flat Panel System 

Figure 3: Precast Flat Panel System

(Source: Bisht, 2020)

Offsite construction

Examples of offsite construction similarly can be generated from the urban Swan Housing which is focusing on developing a configurable volumetric townhouse concept (NHBC Foundation, 2022). From the below image it can be identified that the social purpose and objective of the company is continuous growth with an effective emphasis on the commercial aspect and the use of innovative strategies in the housing projects. In order to achieve the social purpose and objective, the company is developing a configurable volumetric townhouse concept that follows the growth and commercial prospect (Brissiet al., 2021). In terms of innovation, the volumetric townhouse concept has been maintained as creative and inventive.

Social purpose and objective of SWAN Housing

Figure 4: Social purpose and objective of SWAN Housing

(Source: RICS, 2018)

In order to secure the future manufacturing capability of the organisation the company acquired SIG Building System and formed better opportunities for bringing modular townhouses to different places in the UK (Brissi et al., 2021). 

Precast foundations are yet another significant form of the modern method of construction which are produced and prepared on-site in a warehouse or factory by using a reusable mould. The precast foundation has the ability to get attached to other panels for creating a particular form of structure used for walls and floor. The precast foundations are an extremely practical method of construction due to their economic and efficiency aspect.

The durability of the product is extremely rigid even in poor weather and therefore a wide range of use and application of the precast foundation are being identified in the modern method of construction (Brissiet al., 2021). On the other hand, offsite construction technology from Cherry Park for the bathroom pods has been found to be incorporated by the company. In addition to this, the installation of the unitised façade has also been evident in this project reflecting the third stage of the overall project.

Furthermore, it has emerged from the reports of the company that the company with the use of modern methods has efficiently helped the company in improving its performance in the market thereby reflecting the improved position in the market. However, it can be stated that the project conducted by Swan Housing has been efficiently conducted reflecting the modifications in the third stage. 

Home delivered and planned by Swan Housing

Figure 5: Home delivered and planned by Swan Housing

(Source: NHBC Foundation, 2022)

2.4 Productivity challenges due to the impact of Brexit and the pandemic

According to Koc and Gurgun (2021), the regulations of Brexit also may hamper the establishment of effective project management of stakeholders within UK construction firms. 

With the target of the government to set 3,00,000 new homes built every year by the mid of 2020, there has been an immediate need to find the perfect combination and technology between sustainability quality and efficiency to meet the target (Gupta et al., 2018). Modern methods of construction vary in benefits and type. Most of the homes in the UK still are built by using traditional bricks and block approaches. However, the modern method and alternative methods which are different from the approach are increasingly being adopted and common particularly in the construction of social housing.

Therefore the modern methods of construction can be defined as a collective term of alternative construction practices (Williamson, 2019). Factory production which is on site of different parts and components of a property is the common characteristic of the modern methods of construction. It includes a readymade roof, floor wall or even the entire room that has the ability to be transported to the end destination for assembly and final outlook in a matter of a few hours. 

Impact of COVID-19 on construction companies in the United Kingdom

Figure 6: Impact of COVID-19 on construction companies in the United Kingdom

Source: Koc and Gurgun (2021)

As shown in the figure above, the impacts of COVID-19 on the construction firms of the UK increased by the end of 2021 while the productivity of the construction firms was reduced. Moreover, the ongoing lockdown as a result of the pandemic also initiated a set of issues regarding the incorporation of effective public relations management (Koc and Gurgun, 2021). The situation, for example, hampered the communication channels between the stakeholders and the construction firms like “Accord” or “Brick by Brick”, in terms of reducing collaboration and coordination between them. Moreover, the migrant labours were forced to shift to their native origins as a result of the prolonged lockdown and pandemic, thus creating a void in the labour resources of the construction firms (Koc and Gurgun, 2021).

2.5 Young generation and Labour force issues in the construction industry of the UK

According to Ferreira et al. (2021), the COVID-19 outbreak had a negative impact on stakeholder participation in the UK’s construction industry, resulting in decreased productivity and job losses. In this regard, the issue of a labour shortage within UK-based building projects was developed. Additionally, the pandemic’s prolonged lockdown created a number of problems with the adoption of efficient public relations management (Jang et al., 2021). 

The first and most commonly used modern method of construction is the 3D volumetric construction. It is also known as modular construction which consists of units that are being produced within a controlled environment before getting transported to the site and the controlled environment most of the time are warehouse or factory. The 3D volumetric construction can range from making the base unit to or installation of the finished internal wall assembly. As the production of the 3D volumetric construction is produced in a controlled environment the use of similar materials allows consistency and speed along with maintaining precision and overall quality. A flat slab is another modern method of construction which involves the placing of a slab made of concrete which is reinforced and placed with concrete columns (Brissiet al., 2021). Therefore the need for the beam is minimised. Apart from that, the benefit of this modern method of construction is that it also allows restrictions on the height between the floors providing the builder with better flexibility and reducing the time needed for the construction (Ferreira et al.,2021).

Changes in the supply chain functions of the UK construction sector as a result of the Brexit law

Figure 7: Changes in the supply chain functions of the UK construction sector as a result of the Brexit law

Source: Statista (2022)

As said by Jang et al. (2021), as a result of the unemployment scenario due to the pandemic, the shortage of labour became a significant issue within UK-based construction firms. The above figure shows how the regulations of Brexit also impacted the construction projects in terms of reducing effective monitoring and management. The formation of efficient project management of stakeholders within UK construction enterprises may also be hampered by Brexit restrictions (Ferreira et al., 2021).

2.6 Extent to which the innovation in the construction method enhances productivity and affects the construction and Housing sector of the UK

The effectiveness of using the innovation in the construction method to enhance the productivity and impact on the housing and construction sector of the UK can be identified from the business operation and innovation of customer build enablers and developers in England, TOWN (NHBC Foundation, 2022). TOWN, in this case, refers to the project that is being incorporated into the construction sector for developing a sustainable living environment (Kuzmin, 2018).  In order to create sustainable and workable places, TOWN uses urban extension and regeneration development. The innovative aspect of TOWN is the use of a closed panel timber frame system. Personalized and custom-built purchases are being configured by the organisation to maintain a competitive advantage. More than 5200 homes have been developed by the company so far and it is also focusing on implementing modern methods of construction across future development (NHBC Foundation, 2022).

Closed panel Timber frames

Figure 8: Closed panel Timber frames

(Source: RICS, 2018)

In addition to that timber frame is another modern method of construction involving a range of structural frames made of the site, warehouse in a factory like internal and external wall roof floor for helping combine the structure of the building that can be clad in another material like on-site brick and block. It is also a sustainable method of construction that uses renewable materials and offers the builder and the designer a greater deal of flexibility in terms of the appearance and layout of the entire property (Ferreira et al.,2021). 

Precast panels

Figure 9: Precast panels

(Source: Cement.org, 2022)

The precast panel in addition to the above-discussed methods of construction uses wall and floor units that are transported and made of side and are erected on site forming the solid structure. In different sites where repeated projects are being made this form of the panel is considered ideal for use. It also offers quality accuracy and speed which is similar to the pre-prepared method. Due to its ability to use the factory-made components that are further followed by rigid processes before easily being able to erect on site. The precast panel also includes door windows and furniture that allows the Builder and the designer a great extent of flexibility in the production (RICS, 2018). 

Although businesses and construction projects are using renewable sources for the construction of building concrete is a very important material in construction due to its longevity, resistance rigidity strength and other similar qualities that ultimately make the use of a concrete floor and wall key aspect to make a long-lasting and solid structure. It is also called reinforcement steel which allows the carrying of heavy loads making the overall strength of the concrete floor and wall exponentially increases and becomes ideal for usage on the ground floor. 

2.7 Future scope and innovation 

The idea of inclusivity is fundamental to both stakeholder and ethical thinking, and it is easier to implement ethical behaviour within an organisation that takes a stakeholder perspective (Rajhans, 2018). All parties involved in the project or who may be impacted by it are considered stakeholders (Xia et al., 2018). According to Rajhans (2018), a stakeholder management method can be built when the project manager has evaluated the stakeholder traits and classes as well as their position regarding the project. The degree of direct contact and community involvement provided to the external stakeholders determines whether massive infrastructure projects succeed or fail (Xia et al., 2018). 

As said by Pedrini and Ferri (2018), contractors work in partnership with the client and the neighbourhood. This is crucial for infrastructure and revitalisation projects, and it is advised to involve government financing organisations in the cooperation. It suggests joint venture strategies with significant outside parties, such as environmental organisations. Businesses that interact and establish connections with these groups on a corporate level will be better equipped to handle them if issues occur on a project level. The contractor joins a neighbourhood-based programme like the Considerate Constructors Scheme. Contractors should create Community Policies to enable them to forge stronger links with their host communities, as they see the communities in which they operate as essential to their success (Lehtinen et al., 2019). It can be contended that contractor participation in community projects raises the firm’s ethical standards and social responsibility image, and it is proposed that a community policy might be centred on initiatives like education, enterprise or training. 

Furthermore, as opined by Khan et al. (2021), maintaining a strong relationship with the media, seeing them as vital stakeholders, and starting open and reliable communication with them from the beginning are all necessary for generating positive publicity. The public and different government entities’ perceptions of a project can be significantly influenced by the media (de Oliveira and Rabechini, 2019). It is obvious that UK housing construction firms must place a significant obligation on the client to ensure that these principles are established and maintained from the beginning because sustainable construction includes the requirement to account for the present and future conditions of external stakeholders (Khan et al., 2021). 

Apart from the discussion of stakeholder management, it can be stated that concerning the construction sector, there is a huge scope for innovation. In the UK, the development of technology has been found to be the highest thereby making the nation the technological hub (Badi et al., 2021). Advanced technologies such as machine learning, IoT, robotics and many more have been found to be highly used in the nation reflecting the sound technological infrastructure. In this regard, it can be stated that the construction industry has the scope of innovating their working systems in future years thereby using modern technologies. Moreover, following the lean manufacturing method, the construction industry can potentially help the companies in improving their production level thereby increasing the level of efficiency. 

2.8 Literature gap

The study did not focus on the strategies for ensuring the safety and security of the stakeholders associated with housing construction projects in the United Kingdom. It did not cover the aspects of sustainable building or construction in terms of minimising the risks associated with safety and security among the stakeholders. 

2.9 Summary

The discussion in the literature review counts towards accumulating information and data regarding the housing crisis and strategies by which the modern methods of construction in the UK are achieving the requisite changes. Processes of innovation in different projects in London focus on developing new ways of building more high-quality homes at a comparatively faster rate. The section also includes a discussion concerning the modern methods that are used by Cherry Park, London for their construction projects reflecting the bathroom pods. On the other hand, it can be stated that apart from the management of stakeholder concerning the construction sector, opportunities for technological development has been high for the companies in future years. However, it can be stated that with the help of technology and a lean manufacturing system, projects can be improved thereby integrating innovation at a high level. 

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction 

The methodology section of research helps in selecting methods that can bring out the true essence of the study and validate the overall research. In addition, it assists the researcher in understanding in which direction the research needs to be conducted along with the procedure that needs to be followed. The concerned section of this research, therefore, deals with the selection of research methods such as the philosophy, design, and approach along with the data collection and analysis. However, the purpose of this research along with the validity, reliability and ethical maintenance has been discussed in this section thereby improving the quality of the study. 

3.2 Research purpose

The purpose of the research is to meet the set objectives of this research that assist the investigator in completing the research within the desired time. It mainly aims at accomplishing the framed questions of this research thereby helping the researcher in improving the validity of the findings as well as the results. Thus, the questions that the study aims to answer are provided below. 

  • What are the different innovative aspects of utilising modern methods of construction and what is the impact of the innovations on affordable housing in the UK? 
  • To what extent innovation in the construction method enhances productivity and the construction sector? 
  • How could the construction industry of the UK make remarkable changes in building approach by implementing further innovations given by modern methods of construction? 

3.3 Research philosophy

Accepting a belief that creates a pathway for the collection of data or information and its application can be termed to be the research philosophy. It essentially deals with the development of knowledge thereby making the choice of the nature of the collected data and its source (Hürlimann, 2019). In addition, it reflects the thought process of the researcher that sheds light on the level of reliable collection of information for the study. Concerning the research onion, pragmatism, realism, positivism and interpretivism have been the different types of philosophies in research that investigators generally make use of while conducting studies (Madden, 2022). The present research follows a mixed data collection method and thus positivism philosophy has been chosen and applied for the same. 

Positivism philosophy, as stated by Marsonet (2019), is the kind of belief where the researcher depends on the “factual knowledge” that is obtained with the help of observations instead of any biased opinion or information. It furthermore helps the researcher in structuring a general understanding of the conducted study thereby improving the research quality.

One of the cardinal reasons for selecting positivism philosophy is that it depends on general facts rather than any kind of personal reflection (Alharahsheh and Pius, 2020). Interpretivism has been rejected as it involves biased information and does not carry out facts. However, unlike interpretivism philosophy, positivism does not interpret the study elements but rather gains understanding from the observations. 

3.4 Research approach

Addressing the planning and the procedure with the help of complete assumptions can be stated to be the research approach. In this context, with the help of approach systematic data can be collected for the research that can deliver essential results for understanding the research’s topic (Cantelmi et al., 2021). It furthermore helps in mitigating the problem of the research thereby selecting data that possess proper nature concerning the study. Following the strategy of this study, an inductive approach has been chosen out of the deductive and inductive approaches of the research. As opined by Azungah (2018), an inductive approach or reasoning is termed to be the “bottom-up” approach where the researcher creates a pattern of the study based on the observations made concerning the data collected. Additionally, it assists in developing a theory at the end of the study thereby improving the validity of the research. 

As emerged from studies, the inductive approach positively contributes to mixed method research where both qualitative and quantitative data are gathered. The deductive approach has been denied for this study as it depends on hypothesis testing thereby only supporting quantitative research (Wardani and Kusuma, 2020). However, the selection of an inductive approach has been appropriate as it helps the researcher in providing general conclusions based on specific observations. 

3.5 Research design

Arranging conditions for conducting research are usually termed research design. As per the words of Dannels (2018), design refers to the technique or method that the researcher chooses in order to style up the collected data along with the results or analysis. In addition to this, the design of research considers various features of the study such as reliability, credibility, and validity, and intends to improve the same. In this current study, an explanatory research design has been selected that falls under the broad head of conclusive research. Explanatory design is also known as a casual design in the research context. The selection of this design can be mentioned to be appropriate as it explains the data collected following the data collection methods. 

Upon further discussion, one of the major reasons for choosing this design has been its capability to explain the elements of the study thereby providing results of both quantitative and qualitative data. The descriptive design has been rejected as no hypothesis is being developed for the study (Cantarelli et al., 2020). Thus, it can be stated that the choice of explanatory design has been justified as it considers both kinds of collected data and helps in effective analysis of the same. 

3.6 Research Strategy

Strategy in research refers to the planning of action that helps in deciding the direction of the study thereby shaping the thought process of the researcher (Oliva, 2019). The current study has incorporated a mixed strategy reflecting the inclusion of both qualitative and quantitative data. In this case, it can be stated that a qualitative strategy has been undertaken with the consideration of the interview session. On the other hand, quantitative data has been also integrated into this study in the form of survey questionnaires. Thus, it can be stated that a mixed method has been selected for the research that helps in collecting vast data for the study. 

3.7 Data collection and analysis

Collecting data is one of the primary tasks of an investigator that helps in keeping a step ahead for conducting the study in an effective manner. Concerning the sources of data collection such as primary and secondary, data have been collected from the primary sources reflecting the conduction of interview and survey sessions thereby meeting the mixed strategy of this study. In this study, 5 project managers each from Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London have been considered.

Furthermore, five semi-structured questions have been incorporated into the study thereby making each session a maximum of 10-15 minutes. Interview sessions have been conducted on an online basis reflecting the usage of the Zoom or Weber platform. On the other hand, an online survey has been conducted thereby selecting 40 employees in total from Cherry Park, London and Swan Housing. 

Concerning the data analysis, following the interview responses, a thematic analysis has been integrated where the use of secondary resources has also been made. Furthermore, considering the responses to the survey, statistical analysis has been conducted representing the integration of several tests like correlation and regression. The use of excel charts for analysing descriptive survey responses has been incorporated. However, for conducting inferential analysis reflecting the statistical tests, SPSS has been considered. 

3.8 Reliability and validity 

The collection of the data following both the methods has been made from reliable sources. In order to prove the authenticity of the study, the zoom calls have been recorded however as they are confidential, therefore, the recordings are not published. The use of secondary sources for the thematic analysis conducted has been made reflecting the consideration of authentic books, articles, online websites and journals. However, the study can be stated to be valid as it has obtained information from “real-life” participants reflecting both the interview and the survey. 

3.9 Ethical consideration

Consideration of ethics is an important task for a researcher especially when the study involves real-life respondents. As the study incorporates interviews, certain ethics have been maintained that have potentially improved the quality of the research. The interview responses have been secured in a password-protected laptop and access to the same has been restricted. Furthermore, before the conduction of the interview and survey, consent from the participants has been taken thereby improving the validity of the research. However, for secondary resources, blogs have been avoided and only authentic websites, journals, books and articles have been considered. 

3.10 Summary

The current section presents the selection of the research methods along with the justification that helps in increasing the validity and reliability of the study. In this regard, the study has chosen positivism philosophy, inductive approach, and explanatory research design. Moreover, a mixed strategy has been followed reflecting the consideration of both quantitative and qualitative data. The research has integrated interviews and surveys considering the project managers and employees of Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London respectively. However, thematic analysis for interviews and inferential analysis for surveys have been further chosen as analysis methods. 

Chapter 4: Research Analysis and Findings 

4.1 Introduction 

This chapter of the study illustrates the research analysis and findings associated with the data collected from the primary surveys and interviews conducted with the participants. The data collection intended to analyse the innovative construction strategies and methods used by the construction companies for providing affordable housing to UK citizens amidst the present housing crisis. In this chapter, surveys have been conducted with 40 employees of Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London while 5 managers of the same organisation have been interviewed. 

4.2 Interview 

This section presents the interviews conducted with the 5 Project Managers.  

  • How does your company innovate to articulate the vision of affordable housing and appetite for innovation to business partners, investors and employees? 

Participant 1:

Group discussions are encouraged among the teams of architects and engineers for innovative solutions to the quality challenges and to reduce the cost of construction.

Participant 2:

We use 3D printing and building information modelling for pitching affordable housing concepts to business partners and investors. 

Participant 3:

Modular construction is used along with green building technology for articulating the vision of sustainability and affordable housing.

Participant 4:

Offsite or modular construction and prefabrication are widely used for reducing the cost of construction as innovative methods.

Participant 5:

The company uses a precast flat panel system as an innovative technique for constructing durable and affordable housing and wider construction projects. 

  • How effectively have you identified that implementing advanced techniques generated greater profitability and return on investment in the construction of affordable homes? 

Participant 1:

Effective materials management with BIM technology is used to achieve greater profits and ROI.

Participant 2:

Advanced tools and technology produce the time in the cost of construction resulting in greater profits.

Participant 3:

Techniques like 3D printing and fabrication provide greater ROI in construction.

Participant 4:

The use of cloud technology and big data extends construction profits by rightly predicting the number of required materials for construction.

Participant 5:

The initial cost of using advanced techniques is higher but it leads to long-term profitability. 

  • What are the challenges you face while implementing advanced technology and innovation in different construction projects amidst the housing crisis? 

Participant 1:

The challenges include a lack of funds to pursue advanced technology for affordable projects.

Participant 2:

The challenges include knowledge deficiency and bureaucratic challenges

Participant 3:

Slow technology adoption speed and strict complaints regulations along with tight schedules are the main challenges

Participant 4:

Lack of skilled workers and cash flow challenges occur during technology implementation and innovation

Participant 5:

Productivity and sustainability along with lack of funding and technology adoption are the main challenges. 

  • To what extent has your company been able to promote and use innovative techniques in order to remain ahead of the competitors in the market? 

Participant 1:

We have been able to use innovative technology like 3D printing and fabrication to gain a competitive advantage

Participant 2:

The fair and solution-oriented approach has promoted innovative techniques to be used for competitive advantage.

Participant 3:

Innovation in the company is driven by customer demand and requirements.

Participant 4:

Technologies are used to ensure sustainability in housing projects. 

Participant 5:

The company has integrated digital solutions to stay ahead of the competition. 

  • How do you find innovative techniques and advanced technology superior for construction projects compared to the traditional methods of construction? 

Participant 1:

Green building technology is used for energy-efficient construction and low emissions. 

Participant 2:

Innovative technology focuses on requirements and capabilities before initiating projects compared to traditional methods.

Participant 3:

Advanced technologies provide an accurate estimation of the resources required for projects.

Participant 4:

Prefabrication and modular construction take less time and generate less waste. 

Participant 5:

3D printing offers the benefits of reducing human errors while ensuring the cheap production of construction materials. 

4.3 Thematic Analysis 

The thematic analysis has been conducted based on the responses of the interview participants by identifying themes based on commonly occurring patterns from the responses. 

Theme 1: Modular construction and 3D printing are used as innovative construction methods

Innovative construction methods remain vital for optimising the construction quality and providing a better living experience to the inhabitants. Innovation through modular construction and 3D printing has become widely popular for reducing construction time and cost. Modular construction also reduces carbon emissions while significantly reducing waste generation (Hashemi and Hadjri, 2014). Modular construction is also preferable for the buildings that are to be constructed in remote locations as there might be transportation problems and technical difficulties at the site of construction. Modular construction offers the opportunity to make the components like specific blocks along with doors and windows in a controlled environment that is not susceptible to external risk and hazards. 3D printing of construction materials and components also increases environmental sustainability through waste reduction and offers flexibility in design. 

Theme 2: Innovative technologies enhance profitability in construction

The integration of innovative technology is like building information modelling and artificial intelligence helps to optimise the goals of the construction companies. These technologies are crucial for catering to the specific needs of the housing projects that can include affordable housing projects for optimising the design and usability of spaces (Schudtet al., 2021). Artificial intelligence enhances the productivity of construction workers with the use of robots and intelligent machines while also helping engineers to create efficient and cheaper designs. Big data technology helps to

Theme 3: The challenges of implementing technology innovation include lack of skill and high costs

The challenges of technology implementation in the construction sector include the slow rate of technology adoption due to the involvement of numerous suppliers and components. Despite progress being made in the use of drone surveillance and variables along with robots and the internet of things, the highly risky nature of the construction industry and poor working conditions hinder the use of technology (Tobi et al., 2018). The lack of skilled labourers also makes it difficult to use and implement technologies like smart variable devices and tones as they need to be operated by experts. This also reduces the rate of technology innovation in the construction industry due to poor staffing and mentorship.

Theme 4: Digital technology provides a competitive advantage to construction companies

The use of various digital technology in the construction sector facilitates the completion of the tasks within the schedules while maintaining the initially forecasted costs. Digital technologies provide a competitive age for construction companies as they benefit from the use of big data and artificial intelligence-powered information systems for decision making. This provides accurate information regarding the materials that are required for specific and overall construction components while cloud technology improves accessibility even for remote workers and engineers working on sites (Brissiet al., 2021). The performance and deficiency of the construction workers and the overall projects improve due to the use of digital technology that can accurately predict and implement the customer requirements in the construction projects.

Theme 5: Green building technology offers more benefits than traditional construction 

Green building technology is the concept of using a resource-efficient approach while executing a construction project to the replacement of traditional materials with environment-friendly materials for creating positive impacts on the natural environment and overall climate. Green building design focuses on energy and water efficiency while not compromising the quality and durability of the structures.

The use of green building technology reduces the consumption of natural resources while also decreasing operating costs (Bisht, 2020). This is beneficial for application in affordable housing projects for being able to provide the apartments and buildings at lower rates to needy customers for potentially solving the housing crisis in the UK.

The productivity of the occupants also increases due to green building technology applications compared to traditional construction methods which could benefit the affordable housing occupants living with less space.

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4.4 Survey 

Following the quantitative method of data collection and analysis, a survey has been conducted considering a total of 40 employees from Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London. However, descriptive analysis and statistical analysis have been conducted considering the responses to the survey. 

4.4.1 Descriptive analysis –

Question 1: What is your age? 


Figure 10: Age

(Source: Self-developed)

A demographic question concerning the age of the employees has been asked as the first question of the survey. In response to this question, it was observed that most of the employees out of a total number of 40 belong to the age category of 18 to 28 years reflecting 16 responses. Furthermore, 10 employees were found to respond, reflecting the category of 28 to 28 years. The numbers of employees responding to the age group of 38 to 50 years have been found to be 9 whereas only 4 employees were noticed to belong from the age category of above 50. 

Question 2: How long have you been working in this company? 

Experience level

Figure 11: Experience level

(Source: Self-developed)

Referring to the second question of the present survey, the employees were asked about their experience level in the company reflecting the total number of working years within the company. In relation to this question, the majority of the employees stated that they have been working in the company for 3 to 5 years reflecting a number of 11 responses.

Additionally, it can be stated that the number of employees stating to be working for 5 to 10 years have been found to be 10 reflecting the second majority response. On the other hand, 8 employees were observed to be working for 1 to 3 years, and 7 stated to be working for more than 10 years. However, only 4 respondents stated that they have been working for less than a year in their respective organisations. 

Question 3: What is your designation in the company? 


Figure 12: Designation

(Source: Self-developed)

Concerning the third survey question, it has been found that most of the employees were noticed to hold the designation of being a member of the project team along with technical services providers within the companies representing a number of 9 responses of each category.

In addition to this, 8 participants of this study, out of 40 were further observed to be serving the organisation as internal or external consultants. However, 5 employees answered to be the site personnel, whereas 4 responses for subcontractor and material equipment supplies each have been obtained. However, only one respondent stated holding “other” positions in the company. 

Question 4: Is the company innovative enough in terms of using advanced technology in construction projects?

Innovation level of the company

Figure 13: Innovation level of the company

(Source: Self-developed)

The respondents of the survey were further asked about the innovation capability of their companies in terms of using advanced technologies in construction projects related to affordable housing. The majority of the responses were found to be positively reflecting a total response of 22. On the other hand, compared to the positive response, the negative response has been low depicting a total response of 13 answers. However, only 5 participants in this survey were found to be not sure of their answers. 

Question 5: To what extent do you find the innovative techniques used by the company competitive enough? 

Competitive level of innovation techniques

Figure 14: Competitive level of innovation techniques

(Source: Self-developed)

Considering Likert scale questions, the participants were asked to what extent they find the innovative techniques competitive that are used by their company. In this context, it has been observed that the majority of the employees stated to be satisfied and highly satisfied showcasing numbers of 14 and 13 responses thereby indicating a positive response to the question. It can be mentioned that only 7 responded to be not satisfied, 3 responded to being highly dissatisfied whereas only 3 stayed neutral. 

Question 6: To what extent are you satisfied with the training the skill development initiative provided by the company for using and implementing the innovation and advanced technology?

Training satisfaction of the employees

Figure 15: Training satisfaction of the employees

(Source: Self-developed)

Upon further progress, the employees were asked whether they are satisfied with the training and skill development sessions of the company for implementing innovation and advanced technology or not. In this respect, 17 employees stated satisfied, 10 said high satisfied, whereas 5 stated not satisfied, 3 stated highly dissatisfied and 5 gave a neutral answer. 

Question 7: Are you motivated and inspired to use and implement advanced technology and innovation in construction projects?

Motivation of employees

Figure 16: Motivation of employees 

(Source: Self-developed)

The participants were further asked whether they are motivated and inspired to use the advanced technologies in the construction projects that are related to affordable housing in the UK or not and to this reply majority stated highly satisfied reflecting 16 responses. 12 responses came for satisfaction, 6 answered of being not satisfied, 2 stated being highly dissatisfied and 3 stayed neutral. 

Question 8: Do you find the innovations used by the company align with the vision and objectives?

Alignment of innovation with objectives and vision

Figure 17: Alignment of innovation with objectives and vision

(Source: Self-developed)

Concerning the responses to the eighth question, the majority of the employees stated that the innovations used by their organisation positively align with the objective and vision reflecting 27 responses. However, only 8 employees stated no to this question whereas 5 employees were not sure of their answer. 

Question 9: Do you think the use of innovation and advancement in technology while construction of the projects is better than the traditional forms of construction techniques?

Comparison between advanced technology and traditional methods

Figure 18: Comparison between advanced technology and traditional methods

(Source: Self-developed)

Relating to the response for the ninth question, the participants answered that advanced technology is better than traditional forms of construction showcasing 26 positive responses. However, 5 employees were not sure and 9 employees stated no. 

Question 10: Do you face challenges while implementing the innovations and advanced technology in construction projects?

Challenges faced

Figure 19: Challenges faced

(Source: Self-developed)

Referring to the final question, most of the employees said that they did not face challenges while implementing the advanced technology and innovations in order to eliminate the housing crisis in the UK stating 23 responses. However, 11 stated yes and only 6 were not sure. 

4.4.2 Inferential analysis


Correlation test

Figure 20: Correlation test

(Source: Self-developed)

Concerning the statistical analysis, a correlation test has been conducted that has tested the relationship level of the variables chosen for this study. In this context, three variables have been chosen such as training for innovation and advanced technology, competitive innovation techniques and motivation and inspiration for using advanced technologies and innovative techniques. In this regard, Pearson’s correlation has been integrated into this study. Referring to the significance level of the variables, it can be stated there has been a direct and linear relationship between the variables. As showcased, the significance level of the variables such as training for innovation and motivation for innovation has been .041 and .013 respectively depicting a lower value than the standard value of 0.05%. This has potentially assisted in understanding that the selected variables of this data set share a linear relationship with each other reflecting a strong connection. 


Model summary

Figure 21: “Model summary” of the test

(Source: Self-developed)

In this study, a regression test has been further integrated that sheds light on the depth of relationship shared by the selected variables of this study. The “model summary” of the test of regression has essentially helped in understanding the predictable potential of the independent variables. Considering the value in the “R” column, it has been found that the value reflects .942. This reflects that the independent variables have predicted the dependent variable by 94.2%. 

Test of ANOVA

Figure 22: Test of ANOVA

(Source: Self-developed)

In order to test the efficiency of the regression test, the ANOVA test has been integrated into this study which has further helped in understanding the relationship depth of the variables. Referring to the values depicted in the “F ratio column”, it has been observed that F (2, 2) = 7.826, p<0.05% thereby indicating that the regression test has efficiently projected effective results. However, the statistical significance has proved that the relationship shared by the variables has been close reflecting the success of the regression test.

Coefficient analysis of regression

Figure 23: Coefficient analysis of regression

(Source: Self-developed)

The coefficient matrix has been presented within this study that has effectively showcased the statistical significance level of the chosen variables. Considering “training for innovation and advanced technology” as the dependent variable, it has been evident from the matrix that the significance level of the independent variables has been significant statistically. The significance value for competitive innovation has been .143 and motivation for using innovation has been .339 which is lower than the significant value of 0.05%. However, in this regard, it can be stated that the regression coefficient has efficiently proven the results thereby matching the descriptive results of this study. 

4.5 Findings

From the thematic analysis, it is found that the modular construction technique or offsite construction is an innovative solution to the challenges of increasing construction cost and quality. 3D printing has also been found to be a useful technological tool for inducing higher flexibility in construction projects while reducing waste from construction. The use of innovative and digital technology is found to improve the profitability of construction projects but remains susceptible to the challenges of the slow technology adoption rate in the construction sector. The use of digital tools and technology is of competitive advantage to the construction companies as they are able to forecast the customer requirements and accurately predict the required materials for gland supply and delivery saving time and cost.

Relating to the responses obtained from the survey, it has been found that the majority of the employees have stated that the implementation of advanced technologies and innovative techniques are potential solutions that can mitigate the housing crisis issues in the UK. In addition to this, it has been mentioned that the employees are highly motivated by their companies for using modern technologies thereby assisting the employees in taking part in the construction projects for affordable housing. Moreover, concerning the statistical tests, it can be stated that the training level provided by the companies has potentially helped the employees in mitigating the housing crisis. Improving the skill and knowledge of the employees has further helped in building affordable houses.

However, it can be stated that the level of challenges faced by the employees has been low and that has positively impacted the participation of the same in the construction projects of affordable housing for terminating the housing crisis. From the survey conducted with the respondents it is found that the employees working in the construction companies are highly satisfied due to the innovative techniques that are used across the companies leading to better competitive advantage.

Chapter 5: Discussions 

Based on the findings of the thematic analysis, it is established that modular construction is highly beneficial for reducing the time and cost of construction while also being immune to challenges due to weather extremities.

This method also reduces the cost of construction while making it possible to ensure mass production of affordable housing to reduce the implications of the housing crisis in the UK. In his response to being asked about the method of innovation for articulating the vision for affordable housing, participant one said that “Modular construction is used along with green building technology for articulating the vision of sustainability and affordable housing”. 

From the literature review, it is identified that precast foundations are used as a modern construction methodology that uses environment-friendly materials like reusable mould for the construction of specific building components. The thematic analysis has suggested 3D printing as a useful alternative to the traditional construction methods for solving the issues with the supply chain to help with the process of design.

The technology is also found to be extremely useful for generating less waste due to the fear of logistical procedures involved in the printing of specific construction components and modules. Customised houses and deficient installation of components are possible with 3D printing while other technologies like big data and artificial intelligence help with demand forecasting and materials management (Bisht, 2020).

As emerged from the survey analysis, it has been observed that the housing crisis has been a significant issue in the UK that has been potentially mitigated with the application of modern innovative techniques and advanced technologies. Creating a link between the findings of the survey and the literature review, it can be stated that the modern technologies implemented by Cherry Park and Swan Housing have helped in the development of affordable houses in the UK region thereby reflecting the positive contribution of the advanced technologies.

Upon closer analysis, the survey results reflected that the mentioned companies have been effectively helping the employees in improving the skills that can assist them in designing the construction reflecting the undertaken initiatives of training and development. 

Furthermore, it can be mentioned that compared to the traditional forms, the application of advanced technologies is better for resolving the housing crisis in the UK with the construction of affordable houses. Additionally, with positive results of the statistical tests concerning the sessions of training, the employees stated to be motivated enough for implementing the advanced technologies thereby addressing the capacity of the same for eliminating the issues arising in the housing sector of the UK.

However, the challenges for using the innovative and advanced technologies have been low for the employees which has further helped in mitigating the crisis of housing in the UK. The use of the disruptive and modern digital technology tools can be related with the mitigation of the housing crisis in the UK. This is due to the capability of the modern technological tools to reduce the cost of construction by optimising the resources and reducing waste while also improving productivity of the workers and machinery involved.

The use of the technology tools and innovative measures like fabrication and 3D printing can lead to construction completion within the schedule and a lot of cost savings for the builders and contractors. Due to saving the cost of construction and better quality of materials management with the technology, the building components and apartments could be provided at cheaper cost to the potential homeowners for increasing affordability of housing and reducing homelessness and the overall housing crisis in the UK. 

Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 

6.1 Conclusion 

This study aims to have a comprehensive view of the current housing crisis shortage of labour and low productivity and how new affordable homes could be built by utilising innovative construction methodology in the UK. From the research, it is concluded that there is a crisis of affordable housing in the UK. The UK is experiencing a different crisis associated with scarcity of housing facilities which is caused due to low productivity in the construction industry and high inflation. Innovative technologies and modern digital tools like 3D printing and fabrication are essential for enhancing construction productivity and increasing the availability of affordable houses.

Digital designing and resource allocation for the construction products along with establishing collaboration with the various on and off-field stakeholders remains essential for having positive building outcomes and alleviating the crisis due to lack of affordable housing in the country. 

The research included semi-structured interviews with 5 project managers from Swan Housing and Cherry Park as the respondents stated the importance of technology to achieve the vision of affordable housing through design and execution. 40 employees of Cherry Park, London and Swan Housing have also been surveyed in the study.

The survey outcomes indicate the satisfaction of the employees with technology training and implementation of innovation in their organisations along with the use of innovative techniques in the company making it more competitive. 

6.2 Linking with objectives 

Innovative aspects of the modern methods of construction and assessing their impact assess the impact on affordable housing in the UK

The modern method of construction includes using 3D printing as it is a cost-effective strategy in comparison to that traditional methods. 3D printing replaces external and internal foundations of the walls of the houses thereby reducing the cost of house angle by 30%. Precast flat panel system improves housing construction saving cost of labour and materials.

The literature review stated some innovative methods of construction that included 3D printing and offsite construction. 3D printing husband established as an important procedure for achieving the targets related to affordable housing as it enhances productivity and reduces cost in the long term. Construction of specific building components and large blocks of volumetric shape can be easily constructed at manufacturing locations instead of the site.

This is beneficial for reducing waste and achieving faster production rate while also avoiding a lot of mistakes due to manufacturing in a factory setting with a controlled environment. The thematic analysis had also fortified the claims of the interview participants by stating that the use of digital methods and technologies have the capacity to solve the housing crisis in the UK by reducing the cost of construction and properties. 

Identify the extent to which the innovation in the construction method enhances productivity and how it affects the housing and construction sector of the UK

Urban extension and regeneration development in form of innovation in the construction method are being used that enhances the productivity of the housing and construction sector in the UK. Personalized and custom-built purchases are being configured by the organisation to maintain a competitive advantage. The literature review has stated the importance of stakeholder involvement for innovation and sustainability in the construction segment. The contractors are required to work in partnership with the client and the neighbourhood communities for the revitalisation projects along with their portable housing constructions. Adequate cooperation and planning is required for innovation and handling in the crisis by engaging in continuous communication with all the parties involved or influenced.

Stakeholder management would remain crucial to the expansion of the scope of innovation in the construction sector of the UK. The primary survey conducted with the participants have led to the identification of the need for aligning the company vision and objectives with creativity and the innovative thinking to achieve fruitful outcomes

Address issues and importance of the modern method of construction to cope with the labour shortage in the UK

3D volumetric construction modern method is being used that is being produced within a controlled environment that can range from making of the base unit or installation of the finished internal wall assembly. 3D volumetric construction also speeds up the construction process that helps in addressing the issue of longer time to build construction.

The issue of labour shortages is being addressed through the help of recruiting skilled and efficient manpower. The literature review has stated the precast flat panel system has an important modern construction method that provides an alternative to the construction activities conducted at the site of the project.

This method is suitable for mass production of the construction components at a particular facility that helps the construction companies to meet the recurring requirements. This process is beneficial for coping with the labour shortage as it helps to solve the issues with demand speed of manufacturing while also ensuring the consistency of the production. The thematic analysis stated BIM as a digital method of designing the construction projects and buildings for planning affordable housing projects in the UK while also copying with the shortage of liver in the country by proper allocation of resources and materials.

The digital modelling methods are beneficial for improving the collaboration and communication at the project site while also undertaking the approach of model-based cost estimation. Better coordination and class detection for the resources is possible with the use of modern construction methods and techniques. 

Provide recommendations to the developers and contractors in the UK for utilising modern methods of construction and mitigate the issues

Strategies for the developers and contractors in the UK for utilising modern methods of construction along with mitigating the issues include developing joint venture strategies that will be helping them in handling and establishing connections with the groups on a corporate level. Contractor participation in community projects will raise the firm’s ethical standards and social responsibility image.

The thematic analysis has stated the requirement for reducing the cost of construction for increasing affordable housing availability in the UK housing market.

The literature review also supports the same by providing details regarding modular construction and fabrication that can significantly reduce the cost of construction along with reducing the overall cost of housing in the country. Hindi the objective is accomplished as the developers and contractors can use sustainable and alternate materials contributing to greater quality despite lower expenses that can help to solve the housing crisis in the UK. 

6.3 Recommendations 

The government authorities in the UK are recommended to provide more housing subsidies and lower the land value tax. This is needed for allowing the developers to construct housing estates at low cost for being able to offer affordable housing to the masses. Also, the construction companies need to integrate disruptive and innovative technology like artificial intelligence and big data for accurately forecasting the materials required for construction for the purchase of the right quantities to eliminate wastage. The construction project manager’s recommended using modular construction whenever possible for saving construction costs with prefabrication while also improving delays due to weather and other geographical factors.

The use of BIM technology and 3D printing are essential for accurately planning and designing the construction of affordable homes. 3D printing is recommended to be popularised during the construction of affordable homes for reducing waste while being more flexible and speedier during the design and construction phase.

The builders are recommended to use BIM during construction project planning for reducing risks related to construction and the cost while visualising the entire project during the preconstruction phase. The technological tool is recommended to be utilised for improving the process of scheduling and resource sequencing for keeping the productivity high at all times and not keeping any resources idle.

This can also help to achieve better collaboration and communication among the workers and engineers working on the site. The builders and developers are also recommended to apply the principles of stakeholder management for ensuring that the communicate with transparency and openness with everyone to understand their queries and inform them regarding the project progress based on their interest and power.  

6.4 Recommendations for future research 

The future scope of this research could be to compare the affordable housing infrastructure and scenario of the UK with other countries like South Korea or Estonia for evaluating how these countries offer the highest quality of affordable housing to their citizens. This could result in analysing the plan and procedures followed by such countries that could be successfully replicated in the UK to mitigate the housing crisis. 


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Appendix 1: Interview Questions (5 Project Managers each from Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London)

  1. How does your company innovate to articulate a vision of affordable housing and appetite for innovation to business partners, investors and employees? 
  2. How effectively have you identified that implementing advanced techniques generated greater profitability and return on investment in the construction of affordable homes? 
  3. What are the challenges you face while implementing advanced technology and innovation in the construction projects amidst the housing crisis? 
  4. To what extent has your company been able to promote and use innovative techniques in order to remain ahead of the competitors in the market? 
  5. How do you find innovative techniques and advanced technology superior for construction projects compared to the traditional methods of construction? 

Appendix 2: Survey Questions (40 Employees in total from Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London)

1. What is your age? 

  • 18-28
  • 28-38
  • 38-50
  • Above 50

2. How long have you been working in the company? 

  • Less than a year
  • 1-3 Year
  • 3-5 Years
  • 5-10 Years
  • More than 10 Years

3. What is your designation in the company? 

  • Site personnel
  • Subcontractor
  • Material and equipment suppliers
  • Internal or external consultants
  • Members of the project team
  • Technical services provider
  • Others

4. Is the company innovative enough in terms of using advanced technology in affordable housing construction projects? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not Sure

5. To what extent do you find the innovative techniques used by the company competitive enough?

  • Highly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Not satisfied
  • Highly dissatisfied 

6. To what extent are you satisfied with the training the skill development initiative provided by the company for using and implementing the innovation and advanced technology? 

  • Highly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Not satisfied
  • Highly dissatisfied 

7. Are you motivated and inspired to use and implement advanced technology and innovation in construction projects for affordable housing? 

  • Highly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Not satisfied
  • Highly dissatisfied 

8. Do you find the innovations used by the company align with the vision and objectives? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not Sure

9. Do you think the use of innovation and advancement in technology while construction of the projects is better than the traditional forms of construction techniques for mitigating the housing crisis in the UK? 

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not Sure

10. Do you face challenges while implementing innovations and advanced technology in construction projects?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not Sure

Frequently Asked Questions

Data was collected through interviews and surveys with project managers and employees of Swan Housing and Cherry Park, London.

Thematic analysis for interviews and inferential analysis for surveys were used as analysis methods.

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