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Types of Persuasive Essay With Pros & Cons

Published by at November 1st, 2021 , Revised On January 31, 2024

An academic essay depicts your thoughts and expressions concisely and logically. It presents your opinions and perception whether you agree or disagree with a particular point of view.

An academic essay involving arguments, evidence, and counterarguments is an argumentative or persuasive essay.

When to Use Argumentative or Persuasive Essays?

An argumentative or persuasive essay is used to:

  • Represent two groups with different points of view.
  • To change the reader’s mind by convincing them to agree or disagree with your perception.

Pros and Cons of Persuasive Writing

A persuasive essay has some pros and cons, which are discussed below:


  • It reflects upon real-world issues.
  • It is reliable because it involves in-depth research
  • It aims to persuade readers by presenting fact-based arguments.
  • It provides a broader spectrum of thinking.


  • It is impersonal.
  • It is dependent on the research material.
  • It doesn’t allow for the author’s personal bias.

Persuasive vs Scientific Writing

The main difference between persuasive writing and scientific writing is that scientific papers are based on investigations, and the writer provides factual data gathered through scientific means. On the other hand, in a persuasive essay, the writer shares his opinions and thoughts and tries to convince the readers to agree to a specific standpoint.

Different Types of Persuasive Essays

Persuasive essays are of four kinds; they are:

Discursive Essay

Discursive essays aim to persuade the readers by exploring different aspects of the topic. The writer needs to compare multiple pieces of information surrounding the topic to express his views and facts clearly and logically.

Argumentative Essay

In this kind of essay, a writer must observe a scientific aspect of research. It aims to grab the readers’ attention towards new ideas and concepts in a specific field. A writer needs to have expertise in a particular field of his writing topic.

Exegetical Essay

The writing of an exegetical essay is two tasks. The first is to conduct an exegesis proper. The second is writing the results of that exegesis. It is vitally important that a student views these two tasks as separate.

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Expository Essay

Expository essays are all about describing or explaining an idea, a topic, or a method rationally and reasonably without their personal bias”. They involve thorough research to establish an impartial and composed view towards any given topic or idea.

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Types of Persuasive Essays vs the Role of the Author

Persuasive essays are of four kinds. Each one is different from the other. The author’s role and point of view play a key role in differentiating and understanding the different types of persuasive essays.

Discursive Essay

Objectives Role of Author
  • It presents thoughts and ideas.
  • The thoughts and ideas can have strong chances of existing in another form already.
  • They should be presented with an appropriate logical view.
A writer plays a moderate role by comparing various aspects of the arguments. He concludes by analysing different views depending on their validity and relativity.

Exegetical Essay

Objectives Role of Author
  • This type of essay usually deals with the details of a concept or theory.
  • It defines the phenomenon, an idea or a concept.
  • A writer cannot reveal the entire history of a concerning theory; instead, he only explains the procedure or implementation.
Here the author is considered a generalist, and his views on theory are associated the findings or understandings of the argument.

Argumentative Essay

Objectives Role of Author
  • This type of writing includes broader views of a writer.
  • A writer has to participate in detail to see a reader as a valuable addition to any specific research. The writer should provide supporting examples and evidence.
  • Allowing for the writer’s thoughts doesn’t mean changing the original argument. The arguments should be logical and relevant to the topic.
The author plays an important role; he adds his views to the existing literature. The author needs to have expertise in the area or the idea they are exploring.

Expository Essay

Objectives Author
  • A writer has to add a new concept or view in this type of essay.
  • It shows the cognitive ability of a writer.
  • This type of writing should have some valid points for supporting meaning.
  • The writer has to showcase so that a reader may understand the concept without any difficulty. It should be clear, concise, and cohesive as well.
The author plays a vital role in this type of writing. The author can create something new, and his creativity is original and manifesting. It signifies a writer’s ability to share his thoughts on any topic.

How do Different Types of Persuasive Essays Correlate?

Although different types of persuasive essays have unique characteristics,  they are all correlated more profoundly.

Always remember that you don’t have to stick to any one particular type of persuasive essay unless specifically advised by your tutor. In some cases, it may be possible to use two or more persuasive writing techniques in the same essay to improve the arguments’ clarity and logic.

Nonetheless, all kinds of persuasive writing require valid arguments and cohesion. You should avoid loose discussion in the essay and present your concepts with solid evidence and facts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Persuasive essays are of four types

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