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Interpersonal Skills in a Nursing Essay

Published by at November 24th, 2022 , Revised On January 31, 2024

The importance of interpersonal skills in the nursing profession cannot be understated. Nurses are required to have the ability to communicate and interact well with their patients and other people to provide the most effective care and treatment.

But how do you demonstrate your interpersonal skills in a nursing essay? What is the significance of interpersonal skills in a nursing essay? Do I need to present my interpersonal skills in a nursing essay? 

Suppose these are the questions looming over your head. In that case, there is no need to panic because every year, hundreds and thousands of students in the UK and worldwide learn to showcase their interpersonal skills in nursing writing correctly. 

When do you Need Interpersonal Skills in Writing?

You must demonstrate your interpersonal skills every time you write a reflective nursing essay. A reflective essay is where you will look back on, or reflects upon, your experiences and how they caused personal change or improvement. 

Reflective essays allow you to describe experiences or moments from your life where you had to rely on your interpersonal and communication skills with individuals and organisations to ensure the best possible outcome. 


8 Key Interpersonal Skills for your Nursing Essay

Below we will briefly look at the 8 most critical interpersonal skills that nursing students can showcase in their essays for the best results. 

1. Communication

Communication is an essential skill in the field of nursing. As a nurse, it is vitally important for you to communicate well to deal with situations where information needs to be exchanged or passed on promptly. 

2. Teamwork

Teamwork makes the dream work. As a nursing student, you must shed light on your teamwork expertise to demonstrate your ability to handle jobs that require the entire nursing unit to work together. 

3. Upbeat Attitude

If you are unhappy at work, your patients will likely notice it. Many of the patients are already depressed about their situations. Your upbeat attitude can go a long way towards improving their morale. 

4. Negotiation 

Negotiation in nursing is a two process that requires two conditions: a degree of disagreement from one party or both parties and an agreement to exchange services, goods, information or time for money. Professional nurses learn to hone their negotiation skills to maximise their value in everyday dealings.  

5. Listening 

A good nurse is a good listener. When writing a reflective essay, you must aim to talk about your listening skills. As a successful nurse, you must demonstrate the ability to pay attention to what your patients say. That is critical for successful patient-centred care, particularly for acquiring valuable medical data. 

6. Leadership 

Leadership and decision-making are the two essential qualities of a nurse. Every nurse who wants to excel in her career must be a good leader and decision-maker. A good nurse leader is compassionate and empathetic and possesses emotional intelligence skills characteristics.

7. Empathy 

Write about your compassion, empathetic nature, and ability to understand and assist others. A nurse needs to understand what their patients are going through to correctly identify their needs, especially if they have no friends or family. 

8. Conflict management

When managing conflicts at the workplace, as a nurse, you will need to be able to recognise the early signs of a dispute. Make sure you highlight your capabilities to be proactive, actively listen, remain calm, identify the issue and propose an effective solution. 

Also Read: 6cs of a nursing essay

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Interpersonal skills in a nursing essay demonstrate your ability to deal with different situations at the workplace when interacting with your patients and other people. It would be best if you referred to your interpersonal in the traditional reflective essay. 

The most common interpersonal skills you could base your essay on include but are not limited to communication, positive attitude, listening, leadership, compassion, conflict resolution and teamwork. 

If you are looking for an expert to write a flawless nursing argumentative or reflective nursing essay, look at our services without losing any more time.  


  1. Highlight the importance of interpersonal skills in nursing practice.
  2. Describe specific instances where you demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills with patients, families, and colleagues.
  3. Provide examples of how you established rapport with patients and made them feel comfortable and heard.
  4. Discuss how you communicated effectively and empathetically with patients and families, especially during difficult situations.
  5. Explain how you collaborated with healthcare professionals from different disciplines to ensure the best patient outcomes.
  6. Describe how you actively listened to patients and families and responded to their needs and concerns.
  7. Discuss how you maintained professional boundaries while building trusting relationships with patients.
  8. Highlight any training or continuing education you have completed improving your interpersonal skills.
  9. Emphasise the impact your interpersonal skills had on patient care and outcomes.
  10. Conclude by reiterating the importance of interpersonal skills in nursing practice and how you will continue to develop and utilise them in the future.

You should have the following interpersonal skills in a nursing essay:

  • Good Communication 
  • Teamwork Expertise 
  • Upbeat Attitude 
  • Negotiation 
  • Listening 
  • Leadership 
  • Empathy 
  • Conflict Management 

You can follow the given tips to improve your interpersonal skills, which are required in dealings with patients and co-workers, and also while writing your reflective essay. 

  • Practice Active Listening
  • Develop Empathy
  • Improve Your Communication Skills
  • Be Open-Minded
  • Develop Your Teamwork Skills
  • Learn Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Develop Your Leadership Skills
  • Attend Workshops And Training Sessions
  • Seek Feedback
  • Patients feel more comfortable and trust nurses who exhibit strong interpersonal skills.
  • Interpersonal skills help nurses build rapport with patients, leading to better communication and improved patient outcomes.
  • Effective communication skills help nurses collaborate with other healthcare professionals, leading to better teamwork and coordinated care.
  • Interpersonal skills are essential for conflict resolution, which is crucial in high-pressure situations.
  • Good interpersonal skills help nurses provide emotional support to patients and their families during difficult times.
  • Nurses with strong interpersonal skills are more likely to succeed in leadership roles and advance their careers.

You have to show these interpersonal skills in your nursing essay to demonstrate that you can deal with different people and situations successfully.

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