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Sample Undergraduate Nursing Statistical Analysis

Published by at December 12th, 2022 , Revised On February 2, 2024

Statistical Analysis and Results

Buttock ethnicity A
patient no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PAS#01 35 31 32 36 34 32 31 32
PAS#02 28 27 26 35 34 36 32 27
PAS#03 27 27 28 24 30 35 36 31
PAS#04 25 28 25 34 32 32 32 35
PAS#05 26 25 28 30 35 36 31 32
PAS#06 27 28 29 21 31 36 36 35
PAS#07 36 32 30 25 34 24 31 26
PAS#08 40 32 30 31 36 32 28 29
PAS#09 28 36 31 32 36 35 31 28
PAS#10 28 36 32 38 31 32 30 25

Forearm ethnicity

Forearm ethnicity A
Patient no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
PAS#01 25 17 13 12 12 13 25 20
PAS#02 13 12 15 18 20 18 20 18
PAS#03 17 18 19 17 15 21 25 24
PAS#04 14 15 19 21 16 24 23 23
PAS#05 26 21 24 21 26 21 16 17
PAS#06 26 25 21 24 23 25 19 18
PAS#07 15 19 17 18 19 20 20 24
PAS#08 21 23 21 25 19 21 19 17
PAS#09 22 23 22 21 20 16 15 14
PAS#10 21 23 21 19 18 16 20 18






9 MEAN STD.DEV. patient no. 1 2 3
30 32.55556 2.006932 PAS#01 29 30 31
29 30.44444 3.844188 PAS#02 36 34 35
32 30 3.937004 PAS#03 30 31 35
27 30 3.807887 PAS#04 26 25 28
30 30.33333 3.708099 PAS#05 30 35 34
31 30.44444 4.901814 PAS#06 34 35 31
20 28.66667 5.220153 PAS#07 25 28 25
29 31.88889 3.855011 PAS#08 32 25 35
26 31.44444 3.678013 PAS#09 39 31 30
24 30.66667 4.609772 PAS#10 24 26 28
9 MEAN STD.DEV. Patient no 1 2 3
20 17.44444 5.317685 PAS#01 14 15 16
19 17 2.95804 PAS#02 20 21 23
17 19.22222 3.419714 PAS#03 25 17 13
23 19.77778 3.898005 PAS#04 20 21 23
17 21 3.807887 PAS#05 14 15 19
17 22 3.354102 PAS#06 15 18 19
25 19.66667 3.162278 PAS#07 21 21 21
15 20.11111 3.018462 PAS#08 16 15 16
12 18.33333 4.092676 PAS#09 20 22 23
20 19.55556 2.068279 PAS#10 19 25 15

Buttock ethnicity B4

5 6 7 8 9 MEAN STD.DEV.
32 35 36 34 36 32 32.77778 2.587362
32 31 34 36 25 26 32.11111 4.106228
30 25 26 29 29 30 29.44444 2.877113
30 35 36 31 32 30 30.33333 3.708099
36 24 26 28 30 31 30.44444 4.065437
20 36 38 30 31 30 31.66667 5.220153
34 32 32 32 35 27 30 3.807887
36 31 32 36 32 36 32.77778 3.562926
28 32 39 32 34 28 32.55556 4.126473
30 21 25 28 34 38 28.22222 5.214829

Forearm ethnicity

4 5 6 7 8 9 MEAN STD.DEV.
18 20 18 20 21 14 17.33333 2.692582
24 25 20 19 21 20 21.44444 2.068279
12 12 13 25 20 20 17.44444 5.317685
25 21 16 17 18 19 20 2.872281
21 16 24 23 20 23 19.44444 3.711843
18 20 24 24 23 20 20.11111 3.059593
28 21 19 18 19 19 20.77778 2.948634
18 19 21 20 22 18 18.33333 2.397916
22 21 19 18 19 18 20.22222 1.855921
16 18 19 24 22 20 19.77778 3.382964

Frequently Asked Questions

To perform the undergraduate nursing statistical analysis:
1. Define your research question.
2. Collect relevant data from reliable sources.
3. Organize and clean the data.
4. Choose appropriate statistical tests.
5. Analyze the data using software like SPSS or Excel.
6. Interpret the results accurately and draw conclusions.

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