It can be challenging for some people to write a literature review. It might be because they need more time to research the structure properly or know where to start. One way to tackle this is to see already existing literature review examples. This will help you to get an idea of the flow and where to start.
We have gathered a few high-quality, free-to-use literature review samples for you to get inspired. These samples have been curated by professionals and give a glimpse of the quality of work you can expect from us.
Our writers are skilled and certified, with extensive experience in their respective fields.
The content is 100% plagiarism free and original.
We perform thorough research on the topic before starting to write.
Any content taken from other references is properly cited using an apt format.
The format depends on the university and subject level, so we write it according to the needs of your university.
We offer free revisions to ensure 100% client satisfaction.
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These high quality literature review samples have been written by our UK qualified experts so you can see for yourself how a first class literature review paper looks like.
However, note that these examples are written to client’ specifications and may not 100% match your needs. Each literature review paper is written to specifics which are provided in the literature review assignment brief.
The sources used in these literature review examples are all 100% authentic and reliable. You can see how each paragraph of the literature review must have one or more citations to add more weight to your claims and arguments.
You can use any of the templates of literature review to build your own paper according to your university requirements or you can hire one of our experts to write a top quality paper in accordance with the quality of these free literature review examples.
As we know that there are different types of academic literature reviews, including but not limited to, rapid reviews, traditional reviews, scoping reviews, systematic reviews and more.
We have tried to provide literature review examples for different types of reviews so you can see how they are different from one another.
At undergraduate level, you will be asked to write a traditional literature review in most cases, which follows the standard steps of the process.
For Masters and PHD literature review assignments, you will be required to use a more advanced literature review strategy, such as the systematic literature review to make your contribution more authentic and valuable in the eyes of the academicians.
The age of the sources and the methods used for evaluating them are unique to each type of literature review.
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Of course, the literature review examples are 100% free to be reviewed. Some of these examples might be published in a PDF format but they are not restricted by any means. Use these sample papers to your best interest or ask our experts to write your literature review for you for an affordable fee.
EssaysUK have Masters to PHD qualified literature review experts in all academic study areas. Whether you need a systematic review for a PHD degree or a scoping review assignment to complete your Masters degree, we have the right solutions to your needs.
Contact our staff by email, WhatsApp or live chat to get more literature review examples in line with your requirements. Our friendly customer services team is available 24/7 to assist you with your literature review paper needs.
View our professional samples to be certain that we have the portofilio and capabilities to deliver what you need.