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What is the Difference Between Headings and Section Labels?

The APA 7th edition uses section labels instead of using headings for certain parts of the document. The section labels consist of the following:

  • Writer’s Note
  • Paper Title 
  • Abstract 
  • Reference Pages 
  • Footnotes 
  • Appendices

Frequently Asked Questions : APA Guide

In the APA style, you should include a page number in the table of contents. Identify the page numbers for every heading and subheading and place them next to their mention in the table of contents using a dotted line. 

In the APA format, the table of contents in a thesis or a dissertation should come between the abstract and introduction sections. On the top, write “Contents” in centred and bold. The font size and style should be the same as the rest of the text. 

A running head is also called a page header. It is present at the top of the document providing the user with the necessary information. In the APA format, the running head should be no more than 50 characters with a shortened version of the title of the document with the page numbers and must be in capital letters.

In the APA format, the running head consists of a shortened version of the document’s title, which should be no more than 50 characters. Place it in capital letters along with the page number. 

Yes, you should follow the alphabetical order in the APA styling guide. It should be through the author’s last name. In the case of writers having similar last names, alphabetise them by the first or middle initial. 

The APA reference page comes after the end of the main body text. 

  • Write “References” at the top centre of the page in bold. 
  • List the references in alphabetical order 
  • Use double space for all text 
  • Use an indent of 0.5 inch

In the APA 7th edition, the reference list should be arranged alphabetically.

In the APA 7th edition, the reference list is arranged alphabetically with respect to the author’s name. The arrangement should be the first author’s and then the second author’s names.

In Google Docs and Ms Word, you can use the “Style Sheets” tool. You can update the standard headings to comply with the APA 7th edition format. The “styles” feature also allows you to build the table of contents automatically. 

  • In APA 7th edition, the structure of each level of heading is a bit different. 
  • Level 1 – Bold, Centred, Title Case 
  • Level 2 – Left Aligned, Bold, Title Case 
  • Level 3 –  Left Aligned, Bold, Italic, Title Case 
  • Level 4 – Intended, Bold, Italic, Title Case, Period
  • Level 5 – Intended, Bold, Title Case, Period
  • When citing hardware, you must always include the model number and the manufacturer. 
  • If you are citing common software, always mention the website URL, full name and version. 
  • Always refer to the manual or articles the test or scales were taken from. 

In APA style, the methodology chapter should consist of the following elements. 

  • Participants/ Subjects/ Respondents and their characteristics. 
  • Sampling Procedure 
  • Sampling Size 
  • Techniques you will use to measure the study variables
  • Document the process you will use in the study 
  • Data collection methods 
  • Discuss statistical analysis methods 

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